Austral Blackbird
Curaeus curaeus

Este p�jaro negro es un habitante com�n y t�pico del bosque, que frecuenta tambi�n �reas de matorrales a orillas del bosque en las partes m�s h�medas de la regi�n.

Durante el invierno realiza migraciones locales hacia las playas de de cuerpo de agua continental o marina no congelada y, en general, se le puede observar mucho m�s alejado que durante el verano.

Presenta un comportamiento muy sociable y tal vez esto contribuya a que se domestique con cierta facilidad.

En cautividad se le puede ense�ar a repetir palabras o incluso frases enteras.

This black bird is a common and typical inhabitant of the forest that also frequents areas of heaths beside the forest in the most humid parts in the region.

In winter he carries out local migrations toward the beaches of of body of continental or marine water not frozen and, in general, it can be observed much far away that during the summer.

It presents a very sociable behavior and perhaps this contributes to that can be domesticate with certain easiness.

In captivity it can be taught to repeat words or even whole sentences.