Flightless Steamer Duck
Tachyeres pteneres

Tambien conocido como pato Quetro, pato motor o pato vapor. Es el pato m�s grande de Chile. Sus alas son peque�as y no logran elevar a esta pesada ave.

Puede "correr" sobre el agua con la ayuda de patas y alas, estas �ltimas usadas como remos. Al correr de esta manera, deja una estela en el agua.

Se zambulle hasta por un minuto para recoger alimento del fondo del mar, y tambien para escapar a una persecuci�n en la superficie. Su alimento consiste en peque�os crust�ceos y especialmente moluscos.

S�lo se le encuentra en aguas interiores patag�nicas: canales y fiordos.

Also well-known as Quetro duck, Motor duck or Steamer duck. It is the biggest duck in Chile. Their wings are small and they are not able to elevate this heavy bird.

It can run on the water with the help of paws and wings, these last used as oars. When running this way, it leaves a trail in the water.

It dives until for one minute to pick up food of the bottom of the sea, and also to escape to a persecution on the surface. Their food consists on small crustaceans and especially mollusks.

It is found only in interior waters interior: inland passages and fiords.

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Jorge SEPULVEDA Ortiz. Fiordo Ays�n. XI Regi�n