El Huairavo es una clase de garza que s�lo sale de noche y pesca desde la orilla de los canales, arroyos o lagos. Es comun encontrarla en bosques cerca del mar. Cuando vuela emite fuertes graznidos, con lo cual esta ave misteriosa delata su presencia cuando se mueve de noche. Por eso, tambien es conocida como "bruja". Nidifica en parejas solitarias o en colonias, tanto en �rboles, roca o juncales tupidos. Los huairavos j�venes tiene plumas jaspeadas de caf� y amarillo; los adultos tienen el plumaje gris con negro.
The Huairavo is a class of heron that only goes out at night, and fishes from the border of chanels, creeks, or lakes. Very often it is sighted near the sea. When flying it croaks very loudly, denouncing its presence during the nigth. For this reason it is also known as "witch". Builds its nest just with its mate or in colonies, on trees, rocks or dense rushes. When young, its feathers are with brown and yellow spots; the adults have their feathers gray with black. |